

Wolfgruber, D., & Einwiller, S. (2024). Culture matters: Cultural variability in corporate codes of conduct as a means to foster organizational legitimacy. In Business Ethics, the Enviroment & Responsibility. 00, 1-20.

Stranzl, J., Ruppel, C., & Einwiller, S. (2024). Staying emotionally connected while being physically apart – exploring what teleworkers need to stay committed and how internal communication can contribute. In Journal of Communication Management. 28(2), 272-293.

Wahl, I., Siegel, M., & Einwiller, S. (2024). Blind spots in employee communication research regardind LGBT+ and guidance for future research: A scoping review of quantitative research. In International Journal of Business Communication. Ahead of print. 

Meha, A., & Einwiller, S. (2024). Collaboration between academia and industry. Examining the situation in Austria. ISBN: 978-3-200-09674-5.

Rahimi Mavi, S., Einwiller, S., & Wahl, I. (2024). Communicating about halal products to non-muslim consumers – The role of fit and skepticism. In Journal of Marketing Communications, 0(0), 1-15.

Wahl, I., Wolfgruber, D. & Einwiller, S. (2024). Mitigating teleworkers’ perceived technological complexity and work strains through supportive team communication. In Corporate Communications: An International Journal. 29(3), 329-345.

Einwiller, S. (2024). Consumer complaining. In K. Podnar (Ed.), Elgar encyclopedia of corporate communication (pp. 519–522). Edward Elgar.

Hagelstein, J., & Zerfass, A. (2024). Brand communities. In K. Podnar (Ed.), Elgar encyclopedia of corporate communication (pp. 433–436). Edward Elgar.

Ruppel, C. (2024). Organizational disidentification. In K. Podnar (Ed.), Elgar encyclopedia of corporate communication (pp. 523–527). Edward Elgar.

Stranzl, J. (2024). Job disengagement. In K. Podnar (Ed.), Elgar encyclopedia of corporate communication (pp. 528–532). Edward Elgar.

Stranzl, J. (2024). Organizational commitment. In K. Podnar (Ed.), Elgar encyclopedia of corporate communication (pp. 490–493). Edward Elgar.

Wolfgruber, D. (2024). Unethical pro-organizational behavior. In K. Podnar (Ed.), Elgar encyclopedia of corporate communication (pp. 246–250). Edward Elgar.

Wolfgruber, D., & Einwiller, S. (2024).  Organizational identification. In K. Podnar (Ed.), Elgar encyclopedia of corporate communication (pp. 484–489). Edward Elgar.

Hagelstein, J., Volk, S. C., Zerfass, A., Athaydes, A.S., Macnamara, J., Meng, J., & Hung - Baesecke, C.-J. F. (2024). Ethical challanges of digital communication: A comparative study of public relations practitioners in 52 countries. In International Journal of Communication, 18, 1072-1093.



Wahl, I., Walenta, C., & Wenzel, G. (2023). Validity and fairness of an admission procedure using a study-related learning test. In S. Hummel & M.-T. Donner (Hrsg.), Doing higher education: Student assessment in digital and hybrid learning environments.Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Ninova-Solovykh, N. (2023). Employee activism: When employees speak out publicly against their employer (pp. 139-160). In N. Rodríguez-Salcedo, N., A. Moreno, S. Einwiller, & M. Recalde (2023), (Re)discovering the human element in public relations and communication management in unpredictable times. Emerald, Bingley, UK.

Ninova-Solovykn, N.(2023). Attivismo die dipendenti: incubo dei manager o nuova arma? (Employee activism - leaderˋs next biggest nightmare or their new weapon?), In The Corporate Communication Magazine, 8. Online:

Stranzl, J., & Ruppel, C. (2023). Wertschätzung am Arbeitsplatz: Warum Wertschätzung im Unternehmenskontext wichtig ist und welche Rolle die interne Kommunikation dabei spielt. In Kommunikationsmanager, 1-2023, 44-46

Wolfgruber, D. (2023). I’m only joking!(?) The role of disparaging humor in the communicative constitution of inclusion/exclusion in organizations. In Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 42(9), 35-55. 

Wolfgruber, D., &  Einwiller, S. (2023). Diversity, inclusion, and communication. The role of internal communication in creating an inclusive work environment (pp. 81-97). In N. Rodriguez-Salcedo, N., A. Moreno, S. Einwiller & M. Recalde (2023), (Re)discovering the human element in public relations and communication management in unpredictable times. Emerald, Bingley, UK.

Rodriguez-Salcedo, N., Moreno, A., Einwiller, S. & Recalde, M. (2023). (Re)discovering the human element in public relations and communication management in unpredictable times. Emerald, Bingley, UK.

Tremmel, M. & Wahl, I. (2023). Gender stereotypes in leadership: Analyzing the content and evaluation of stereotypes about typical, male, and female leaders. In Frontiers in Psychology, 14.

Wahl, I., Brugger, M. & Walenta, C. (2023). Effects of teleworkers’ perceptions of superiors’ power and trust on their working behavior: An application of the Slippery Slope Model. In International Journal of Work Innovation, 3(4), 338-366.



Einwiller, S., Seiffert-Brockmann, J., & Ninova-Solovykh, N. (2022). Agile integrated communication – A content-based approach. In J. Falkheimer & M. Heide (Eds.), Research Handbook of Strategic Communication (pp. 400-415). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Einwiller, S., Stranzl, J., & Wahl, I. (2022). Hybride Arbeitssettings. Die Rolle der Mitarbeiterkommunikation (Hybrid work arrangements. The role of employee communication). In Prmagazin, 52(8), E1-E6. 

Wahl, I., Kuso, S. & Wimmer, B. (2022). An assessment of learners' needs regarding learning videos and immersive learning environments. In Digital Psychology, 3(2), Article 2.

Stürmer, L., & Einwiller, S. (2022). Is this advertising or not, and do I care? Perceptions of and opinions regarding hybrid forms of content. In Journal of Marketing Communications. 29(2), 161-178. 

Ruppel, C., Stranzl, J., & Einwiller, S. (2022). Employee-centric perspective on organizational crisis: how organizational transparency and support help to mitigate employees' uncertainty, negative emotions and job disengagement. In Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 27(5), 1-22.

Wolfgruber, D., Stürmer, L., & Einwiller, S. (2022). Talking inclusion into being: Communication as a facilitator and obstructor of an inclusive work environment. In Personnel Review, 51(7), 1841-1860. 

Einwiller, S. (2022). Emotionale Bindung durch Mitarbeiterkommunikation in Zeiten von Virtualisierung. In PERSONALquarterly – Wissenschaftsjournal für die Personalpraxis. 3/2022, 24-27.

Einwiller, S. (2022). Schlüsselbegriffe der Public Relations: Image und Reputation (Key terms in PR: Image and reputation). In P. Szyszka, R. Fröhlich & U. Röttger (Hrsg.), Handbuch der Public Relations. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Einwiller, S. (2022). Reputation und Image. Grundlagen, Einflussmöglichkeiten, Management (Reputation and image. Foundations, possibilities for influence, management). In A. Zerfass, M. Piwinger & U. Röttger (Eds.), Handbuch Unternehmenskommunikation (Handbook of corporate communication). 3rd Edn., pp. 371-392. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Hoffmann, C. P., & Einwiller, S. (2022). Psychologische Dimensionen der Unternehmens-kommunikation (Psychological dimensions of corporate communication). In A. Zerfass, M. Piwinger & U. Röttger (Eds.), Handbuch Unternehmenskommunikation (Handbook of corporate communication). 3rd Edn., 447-465. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Seiffert-Brockmann, J., & Einwiller, S. (2022). Content-Strategien in der Unternehmenskommunikation: Themensetzung, Storytelling und Newsrooms (Content strategies in corporate communication: Agenda setting, storytelling and newsrooms). In A. Zerfass, M. Piwinger & U. Röttger (Eds.), Handbuch Unternehmenskommunikation (Handbook of corporate communication). 3rd Edn., pp. 541-556. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Seiffert-Brockmann, J., Einwiller, S., Ninova-Solovykh, N. & Weitzl, W. (2022). Content Marketing – Kommunikationspraxis mit inhärentem Interessenkonflikt? (Content marketing - communication practice with inherent conflict of interest?). In K. Thummes, A. Dudenhausen & U. Röttger (Hrsg.), Wert- und Interessenkonflikte in der strategischen Kommunikation (Value conflict and conflict of interest in strategic communication). 165-184. Wiesbaden: Springer.

Stürmer, L., Einwiller, S., Rußmann, U., & Kresser, S. (2022). Hybride Kommunikationsformen. Konflikte und Herausforderungen für die Kommunikationspraxis (Hybrid forms of content. Conflicts and challenges for communication practice). In Communicatio Socialis - Zeitschrift für Medienethik und Kommunikation in Religion und Gesellschaft, 1/2022, 21-32. 



Einwiller, S., Sackmann, S. & Zerfass, A. (Eds.) (2021). Handbuch Mitarbeiterkommunikation. Interne Kommunikation in Unternehmen (Handbook employee communication. Internal communication in companies). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Einwiller, S., Sackmann, S. A., & Zerfass, A. (2021). Mitarbeiterkommunikation: Gegenstand, Bereiche und Entwicklungen (Employee communication: Subject, areas and developments). In S. Einwiller, S. Sackmann & A. Zerfass (Eds.), Handbuch Mitarbeiterkommunikation. Interne Kommunikation in Unternehmen (Handbook employee communication. Internal communication in companies). 3-26. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Einwiller, S., Ruppel, C., & Stranzl, J. (2021). Achieving employee support during the COVID-19 pandemic – The role of relational and informational crisis communication in Austrian organizations. In Journal of Communication Management, 25(3), 233-255. 

Einwiller, S. & Wolfgruber, D. (2021). Unternehmensinterne Kommunikation zu Diversity & Inklusion: Wie Kommunikation einen inklusiven Arbeitsplatz fördern kann. In Kommunikationsmanager, 3-2021, 64-66.

Hagelstein, J., Einwiller, S., & Zerfaß, A. (2021). The ethical dimension of public relations in Europe: Digital channels, moral challenges, resources, and training. In Public Relations Review, 47(4), Article 102063.  

Ninova-Solovykh, N., & Einwiller, S. (2020). Mitarbeitende als Botschafter von Unternehmen (Employees as corporate ambassadors). In S. Einwiller, S. Sackmann & A. Zerfass (Eds.), Handbuch Mitarbeiterkommunikation. Interne Kommunikation in Unternehmen (Handbook employee communication. Internal communication in companies). 463-486. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Ruppel, C. & Einwiller, S. (2021). Pleasant hostility: Disidentified consumers' emotional and behaviour reactions to a brand crisis. In Journal of Consumer Behaviour20(1), 186-200. 

Seiffert-Brockmann, J., Einwiller, S. A., Ninova-Solovykh, N., & Wolfgruber, D. (2021). Agile content management: Strategic communication in corporate newsrooms. In International Journal of Strategic Communication, 15(2), 126-143. 

Stranzl, J., Ruppel, C., & Einwiller, S. (2021). Examining the role of transparent organizational communication for employees’ job engagement and disengagement during the COVID-19 pandemic in Austria. In Journal of International Crisis and Risk Communication Research, 4(2), 271-308. 

Wolfgruber, D., Einwiller, S., & Brockhaus, J. (2021). Let’s talk about diversity and inclusion. In Communication Insights, 11. Leipzig, Germany: Academic Society for Management & Communication. 



Einwiller, S., & Carroll, C. (2020). Negative disclosures in corporate social responsibility reporting. In Corporate Communications: An International Journal25(2), 319-337.

Einwiller, S., & Kim, S. (2020). How online content providers moderate user-generated content to prevent harmful online communication – An analysis of policies and their implementation. In Policy & Internet12(2), 184-206. 

Einwiller, S. & Korn, C. (2020). Employee reactions to negative media coverage. In F. Frandsen & W. Johansen (Eds.), Handbook of crisis communication. 299-318. Mouton de Gruyter.

Einwiller, S. & Ninova-Solovykh, N. (2020). Strategisches Themenmanagement - Mit oder ohne Newsroom eine bedeutende Veränderung in der Unternehmenskommunikation (Strategic content management - with or without newsroom a significant change in corporate communication). In Kommunikationsmanager, 3-2020, 18-20.

Einwiller S., & Ruppel, C. (2020). Interne Unternehmenskommunikation in der Krise - Ergebnisse einer Befragung unter Arbeitnehmenden während der Corona-Krise (internal corporate communication during a crisis - Results of a survey among employees during the corona crisis). In Prmagazin, 7-2020, 64-71.

Gruber, M., Mayer, C., & Einwiller, S. (2020). What drives people to participate in online firestorms? In Online Information Review44(3), 563-581. 

Laufer, D., & Einwiller, S., (2020) Guest editorial - Special issue on crisis communication in the public sector. In Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing, 32(4), 339-341. 

Lee, H., Chang, D.R. and Einwiller, S. (2020). A study on the dynamic between the moral reasoning process and celebrity image and their impact on consumers' support for celebrity comebacks after a transgression. In Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol. 29 No. 6, 729-743.

Mayrhofer, M., Matthes, J., Einwiller, S., & Naderer, B. (2020). User generated content presenting brands on social media increases young adults’ purchase intention. In International Journal of Advertising, 39(1), 166-186.

Naderer, B., Seiffert-Brockmann, J., Matthes, J., & Einwiller, S. (2020). Native and embedded advertising formats: Tensions between a lucrative marketing strategy and consumer fairness. In Communications. The European Journal of Communication Research, 45(3), 273–281.

Ngai, C. S. B., Einwiller, S., & Singh, R. G. (2020). An exploratory study on content and style as driving factors facilitating dialogic communication between corporations and publics on social media in China. In Public Relations Review46(1), Article 101813.

Seiffert-Brockmann, J., Ruppel, C., & Einwiller, S. (2020). Gives you wings. Or not?  Exploring the impact of viewers’ responsibility attribution and surprise on their attitude, identification and trust. In Corporate Communication: An International Journal, forthcoming. 25(1) 113-127. 

Tkalac Vercic, A., Tench, R., & Einwiller, S. (Eds.) (2020). Joy. Using strategic communiaction to improve well-being and organizational success. Bingley: Emerald Publishing.

Weitzl, W., & Einwiller, S. (2020). Profiling (un-)committed online complainants: Their characteristics and post-webcare reactions. In Journal of Business Research, 117, 740-753.

Weitzl, W., Seiffert-Brockmann, J., & Einwiller, S. (2020). Investigating the effects of sponsorship and forewarning disclosures on recipients’ reactance. In Communications. The European Journal of Communication Research, 45(3), 282–302.



Einwiller, S., Lis, B., Ruppel, C., & Sen, S. (2019). When CSR-based identification backfires: Testing the effects of CSR-related negative Publicity. In Journal of Business Research, 104, 1-13. 

Einwiller, S., Ruppel, C., & Strasser, C. (2019). Effects of corporate social responsibility activities for refugees: The case of Austrian Federal Railways. In Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 24(2), 318-333. 

Einwiller, S. (2019). Transparenz im Content Marketing (Transparency in content marketing). In Kommunikationsmanager, 3-2019, 52-55.

Ngai, C.S.B., Einwiller, S., & Singh, R.G. (2019). An exploratory study on Content and style as driving factors facilitating dialogic communication between corporations and publics on social media in China. In Public Relations Review. Online First. 46(1)

Ninova-Solovykh, N., Seiffert-Brockmann, J., Einwiller, S., Wolfgruber, D., & Berger, K. (2019). It's all about content. Strategic Topic Management in agile organizations. In Communication Insights, Issue 6. Leipzig, Germany: Academic Society for Management & Communication. 

Schultz, C., Einwiller, S., Seiffert-Brockmann, J., & Weitzl, W. (2019). When Reputation influences trust in nonprofit organisations. The role of value attachment as moderator. In Corporate Reputation Review, 22(4), 159-170. 

Seiffert-Brockmann, J., Ruppel, C., & Einwiller, S. (2019). Gives you wings. Or not? Exploring the impact of viewer’s responsibility attribution and surprise on their attitude, identification and trust. In Corporate Communications: An International Journal25(1), 113-127. 

Weder, F., Einwiller, S., & Eberwein, T. (2019). Heading for new shores. Impact orientation of CSR communication and the need for communicative responsibility. In Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 24(2),198-211. 

Weitzl, W., & Einwiller, S. (2019). Profiling (un-)committed online complaints: Their characteristics and post-webcare reactions. In Journal of Business Research, 117, 740-753. 

Winkler, P., & Seiffert-Brockmann, J. (2019). Organizing from disorder. Internet memes as subversive style. In C. Vasquez., & T. Kuhn (Hrsg.), In Dis/organization as communication: Studying tensions, ambiguities and disordering. 220-244. New York: Routledge.