Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jens Seiffert-Brockmann

Former Team Member

Head of Institute for Communication Management and Media
Department of Foreign Language Business Communication
WU - Vienna University of Economics and Business

Welthandelsplatz 1, Gebäude D2, Eingang D, Büro 3.172
1020 Wien/Vienna, Austria




Publications   Former Teaching

Jens Seiffert-Brockmann was a post-doctoral researcher with the Corporate Communication Research Group in the Department of Communication at the University of Vienna. He received his doctorate in Communication Science in 2014 from the University of Leipzig, where he was a predoctoral researcher between 2009 and 2014. He also holds a Magister Artium in Communication Science and Political Science from his studies at the University of Leipzig. Jens has spent abroad study semesters at the Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, and George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, United States.

Jens Seiffert-Brockmann’s research is focused on three areas of interest. First, he is concerned with trust in organizational communication and public trust in society. Second, he researches the impact of digital communication and their procedures on users and their instrumentalization by organizations. Last but not least, strategic communication is at the center of his interest, too.

He has published numerous articles and chapters on these issues, as well as further papers on other branches of the academic field of Public Relations, such as PR-History, PR-Ethics and Culture. Jens Seiffert-Brockmann is reviewer for the respective international academic journals in the field of Public Relations and is a member of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK – German Association for Communication Science).