

We are happy that Jeannine Huber joined our CCom team as a PhD-student in February 2025.


We congratulate our colleague Neda Ninova-Solovykh on the successful defense of her dissertation with the title: When insiders' voices get loud and...


Since September 1, the research project "How internal communication can increase psychological safety in companies", funded by the Guenter Thiele...


Last week, our team traveled to Bucharest, Romania, to participate in the 25th Annual Congress of the European Public Relations Education and Research...


Hanover, May 16 – Jens Hagelstein received the Scientific Award of the German Public Relations Association (DPRG) and Klenk & Hoursch for his...


We had the honor to host the 28th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications at our University.


We congratulate our colleague Samira Rahimi Mavi on the successful defense of her dissertation and wish her all the best for her future career.



We congratulate our colleague Julia Stranzl on the successful defense of her dissertation and wish her all the best for her start of work at Vienna...


We are very happy that Dr. Jens Hagelstein will join our CCom team as a post-doctoral researcher from December 1, 2023. Jens graduated from the...


Last week our team travelled to Prague, Czech Republic, to participate at the 24th Annual Congress of the European Public Relations Education and...


In the context of the project, the impact of employee communication by top managers, especially CEOs, executives and communication professionals in...


Sabine Einwiller is spending the winter semester as a visiting professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), School of Journalism and...


On July, 6th - 7th we hosted the Research Dialogue 2023, at the University of Vienna on the topic “Focus on employees: Scientific findings on internal...


At the ICA 2023 in Toronto, we received a Best Faculty Paper Award for our paper "Role conflicts in communication practice in times of blurring...


We recently had the honor of welcoming Lynette Jackson, Head of Communications at Siemens for a guest lecture in our International PR course. We thank...


Samira Rahimi Mavi, Sabine Einwiller and Ingrid Wahl received the Best Paper Award at the 27th International Corporate and Marketing Communication...


Julia Stranzl has received the Bank Austria Research Award 2023 ("Recognition Award") for her paper The strategic role of internal communication in...


In their publication "All the news that is fit to print? Reporting on a victim'scharacter during a crisis", Daniel Laufer, Sabine Einwiller and...


We congratulate our colleague Daniel Wolfgruber on the successful defense of his dissertation and wish him all the best for his start of work at HEC...


As part of the International Week at the Universtá IULM in Milan, Italy, Sabine Einwiller gave three talks on “Intercultural Aspects in Corporate...


Am 1. März 2023 veranstaltete das Postgraduate Center der Universität Wien eine Online-Lecture mit Sabine Einwiller zum Thema:...


Am 24./25. November hat Sabine Einwiller erste Ergebnisse des Projekts „D&I-Kommunikation als Provokation?“ präsentiert, das von Daniel Wolfgruber als...


Together with the team of WU we had the honor to host the 23rd EUPRERA conference. It took place from September 21st to 24th.


In our new publication, we focus on some negative implications (e.g., job frustration, job disengagement) that an organizational crisis can have for...

News Archive

Symposium „Against online hate – For more online civility“

26 April 2018, 17:30–21:30
Presseclub Concordia, Vereinigung österreichischer Journalisten und Schriftsteller
Bankgasse 8, 1010 Vienna

Full details can be found here.

New papers

Character assassination of CEOs in crises – Questioning CEOs’ character and values in corporate crises by Jens Seiffert-Brockmann, Sabine Einwiller & Julia Stranzl in the European Journal of Communication.

Wolfgang Weitzl and Jens Seiffert-Brockmann have published a new paper, Stakeholder engagement through gamification, in the Journal of Communication Management.

Neue Vorsitzende des PR-Ethik Rates

Mit 1. Jänner 2018 übernimmt Sabine Einwiller den Vorsitz des Österreichischen PR-Ethik-Rates. Dabei handelt es sich um ein anerkanntes Organ der freiwilligen Selbstkontrolle der österreichischen PR-Fachleute. Er wird getragen von den Berufsverbänden der Branche und hat sich als wichtige Instanz zur Verankerung ethischer Prinzipien in der Kommunikationsbranche etabliert.

Accepted papers at ICA 2018

The CCom Research Group is proud to have the following papers accepted for presentation at ICA Annual Conference 2018:

  • Gruber, M., Mayer, C., & Einwiller, S. (2018). Participation in online firestorms. Adapting the situational theory of problem solving to the online sphere.
  • Weitzl, W., Einwiller, S., & Seiffert-Brockmann, J. (2018).  When can sponsorship disclosures lead consumers to resist covert persuasion online?
  • Mayrhofer, M., Matthes, J., Naderer, B., & Einwiller, S. (2018). The impact of alcohol brand appearances on Facebook on purchase intention.
  • Seiffert-Brockmann, J., M. Habermeier, M., & Ruppel, C. (2018). Destructive voices? The impact of character attacks on images of and identification with athletes in football.
  • Nothhaft, H., Thummes, K., & Seiffert-Brockmann, J. (2018). From Homo Dialogicus to Homo Sapiens: Reconciling Public Relations Research with the Mind Sciences.
  • Seiffert-Brockmann, J. (2018). Public relations as costly signaling.
  • Seiffert-Brockmann, J. (2018). Fundamental Motives: How evolutionary thinking informs public relations research. (Pre-Conference)

Conference presentation

Sabine Einwiller presented results from joint research with Mira Mayrhofer and Jörg Matthes on „Advertising on Facebook: A Boost of Popularity or Skepticism?“ at the Conference on Digital, Mobile Marketing, and Social Media Analytics. The conference took place at New York University on December 8 and 9.


Am 12.12. 2017 nimmt Jens Seiffert-Brockman an einer gemeinsamen Podiumsdiskussion von "" und dem Institut für Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft zur "Verhaberung" im Spitzensport und Journalismus teil.

Im Rahmen der Diskussion soll der Überlegung nachgegangen werden, ob in einem Land wie Österreich, in dem "jeder jeden kennt, insbesondere im Spitzensport kritischer Journalismus auf der Strecke bleibt". Die grundsätzlichen Fragen dabei sind:

  • Welchen Regeln folgt die Beziehung von Sport-Journalismus zu -PR?
  • Wie viel Nähe verträgt und wie viel Distanz benötigt eine seriöse Zusammenarbeit?

Antworten auf diese Fragen werden, am Beispiel des Fußballvereins SK Rapid und der "Kronen Zeitung", von folgenden Diskutanten gesucht: 

  • Helge Payer, Ex-Teamtorhüter, jetzt Torhüter-Trainer beim SK Rapid und Analytiker bei DAZN
  • Günther Bitschnau, Direktion Kommunikation, Medien & PR, SK Rapid
  • Rainer Bortenschlager, Rapid-Berichterstatter, Kronen Zeitung
  • Jens Seiffert Brockmann, Universitätsassistent, Institut für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, Forschungsschwerpunkt: PR-Theorie

Die Veranstaltung wird von Michael Fally ( moderiert.

Die Begrüßung wird durch den Vizedekan der Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften, Professor Hajo Boomgaarden, sowie Michael Eder, Geschäftsführer der Krone Multimedia GmbH, erfolgen.

Datum & Uhrzeit: 12. Dezember, 19 Uhr (Come Together: 18:30)

Ort: Währinger Straße 29, Hörsaal 1 (Untergeschoß)

Eintritt frei, keine Voranmeldung notwendig

German Communication Association (DGPuK) Conference

The CCom Research Team, together with the Advertising and Media Effects Research Group, organised and hosted the annual conference of the "Advertising Division" and the "PR and Corporate Communication Division" of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) in Vienna, Austria, from November 23-25, 2017.

The CCom Research Team presented the following papers:

Einwiller, S., Weitzl, W., & Seiffert-Brockmann, J.:Disclaimers of Native Advertising: Effects on Persuasion Knowledge

Mayrhofer, M., Matthes, J., Einwiller, S., & Naderer, B.: Advertisement disclosures on Facebook.

New publication

The article "An unexpected journey: The influence of social media on consumer decision-making" by Wolfgang Weitzl and Clemens Hutzinger (University of Innsbruck) has been published in B. Rishi's and S. Bandyopadhyay's book "Contemporary issues in social media marketing".

CSR Communication Conference

The CCom research team, together with the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt, hosted the 4th International CSR Communication Conference CSRCOM, in Vienna, Austria.

New publication

Wolfgang Weitzl's and Clemens Hutzinger's joint article entitled "The effects of marketer- and advocate-initiated online service recovery responses on silent bystanders" focusing on today's challenges of online customer complaints is published in the Journal of Business Research.

The CCom Team at COBIIR 2017

Wolfgang Weitzl and Sabine Einwiller have presented their recent research article entitled Investigating online complainants' reactions to (un-)desired webcare responses at the 3rd International Colloquium on Corporate Branding, Identity, Image and Reputation (COBIIR) at Middlesex University, London.

The CCom Team at BledCom 2017

At BledCom from 30.06.-01.07.2017, Sabine Einwiller and Sora Kim presented their paper Curbing harmful online communication - A social responsibility of online platform operators, whilst Jens Seiffert-Brockmann and Wolfgang Weitzl presented their findings CSR and trust: A longitudinal analysis of CSR communication in the German press.

The CCom Team at the ICA 2017

The CCom Research Group was present with four contributions (3 presentations and 1 poster) at this year's Annual Conference of the International Communication Association from 25.-29.05.2017, in San Diego, California:

Seiffert-Brockmann, J.: Evolutionary Psychology: A Framework for Strategic Communication Research

Weitzl, W. & Einwiller S.: A cross-country analysis of consumer online badmouthing

Ruppel, C. & Einwiller, S.: Identifiers’ and disidentifiers’ reactions to corporate misconduct – The role of emotions as mediators

Einwiller, S.: To do good in the name of the employer (Poster)

Conference presentation

Wolfgang Weitzl und Sabine Einwiller präsentierten “Reconsidering the Boomerang Effect: When good eWOM truly hurts and bad eWOM really sells“ bei der 22nd International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications in Zaragoza, Spanien, präsentiert.

Project funding

Sabine Einwiller and Sora Kim from The Chinese University of Hong Kong were granted funding by the Toyota Foundation for their project "Organizational efforts to prevent harmful online communication - A cross-national analysis of online platform providers' policies". Harmful online communication (HOC) - often debated as online "hate speech" - aims at harming the dignity or safety of the attacked target. Online platform providers, mainly private organizations, play a central role in confining HOC. This research focuses on the measures taken by various types of platform providers in six different national environments using a multi-method approach. Based on the findings, best practices and recommendations are derived that will help organizations and policy makers to tackle this issue and to foster "online considerateness".

Neue Publikation

Der Artikel "Mitarbeitermotivation für Corporate Volunteering – Eine empirische Untersuchung am Beispiel der Initiative 'A1 Internet für Alle'" von Sabine Einwiller und Anna Freinschlag wurde in der Fachzeitschrift Wirtschaftspsychologie publiziert. In der Studie wurde mithilfe einer Befragung untersucht, was Mitarbeiter motiviert, an einem Corporate Volunteering Programm teilzunehmen und welche Wirkungen sich dadurch ergeben.

CCom Team at AMA Conference

At this year’s Winter AMA Conference, from 17.-19.02.2017 in Orlando, Florida, Sabine Einwiller and Wolfgang Weitzl presented their paper titled “When Service Recovery Actions Backfire” that reports findings on our study on online complaining and webcare. 

Neue Publikation

Die Praxis der Public Relations birgt eine Reihe von ethischen Herausforderungen, die sich im Spannungsfeld der Interessen unterschiedlicher Akteure ergeben. Die Ergebnisse der Studie, in der Sabine Einwiller und Gabriele Faber-Wiener diesen Herausforderungen sowie den Entwicklungen, die sie begünstigen, auf den Grund gegangen sind, ist nun im Medien Journal erschienen. Der Aufsatz ist online verfügbar unter:

New Paper!

Jens Seiffert-Brockmann and Kerstin Thummes (University of Muenster) have succesfully published a paper in Public Relations Review entitled: "Self-deception in public relations. A psychological and sociological approach to the challenge of conflicting expectations".


Sabine Einwiller and Craig Carroll presented contemporary research on “Negative Corporate Disclosures and Corporate Accountability” at the Workshop of Corporate Affairs, Reputation and Accountability, from 5.-6.12.2016, at Stern School of Business, New York University.

Conference presentations at Association for Consumer Research Conference

The CCom Research Group presented latest research findings at the Association for Consumer Research Conference, from 27.-30.10.2016, in Berlin, Germany. Wolfgang Weitzl and Sabine Einwiller together with Elisabeth Wolfsteiner and Udo Wagner (both University of Vienna, Faculty of Economics, Business & Statistics) presented "When credibility truly matters online: Investigating the role of source credibility for the impact of customer reviews". Christopher Ruppel and Sabine Einwiller gave insights into their research on the question "Do identified and disidentified consumers feel differently compared to non-identified consumers, and hence act differently toward corporate misconduct?"


Jens Seiffert-Brockmann, Wolfgang Weitzl and Lena Felzmann won the 2016 Emerald Professional Impact Award given by the Journal of Communication Management for their paper: "Stakeholder engagement through gamification: Effects of user motivation on psychological and behavioral stakeholder reactions", presented at the Euprera Congress 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

New publication!

Our research on how journalists cover online firestorms (in German called "shitstorms") has been published in Journalism Practice:

Sabine Einwiller, Benno Viererbl & Sascha Himmelreich (2016): Journalists' Coverage of Online Firestorms in German-Language News Media, Journalism Practice

Using media content analysis we explored how journalists, working for German-language media, cover this phenomenon. Over a period of 16 months, 130 online firestorms were identified and analyzed. This study provides insights into how online firestorms are used as a topic of news coverage by journalists and explores journalists’ contribution to attempts of online scandalization.


Sabine Einwiller and Cindy Ngai (Hong Kong PolyU) were invited to give a talk at Fudan University Journalism School in Shanghai to present findings of their research on Chinese and German companies' relationship building attempts on Sina Weibo.

29.08. - 09.09.2016

Sabine Einwiller visited the Chinese University of Hong Kong, School of Journalism and Communication, within CUHK's Inbound Research Mobility Scheme to develop joint research collaborations and discuss student exchange possibilities. During her stay she gave a talk to CHUK master students and presented latest research findings to the faculty as part of the Communication Seminar Series of the School's CCentre


Am Freitag war Sabine Einwiller zu Gast bei ORF1 in der von Andreas Obrecht moderierten Sendung Von Tag zu Tag. Die Sendung zum Thema "Von der digitalen Beschwerde bis zum Shitstorm - Onlinemedien als Räume öffentlicher Konfliktaustragung" ist unter folgendem Link nachzuhören:


The CCom Team at the ICA 2016
The CCom Research Group was present with six contributions (3 presentations and 3 posters) at this year's Annual Conference of the International Communication Association in Fukuoka, Japan:
Einwiller, S.,
& Carroll, C.E.: How balanced is CSR reporting? An intercultural comparison of negative disclosures. (Presentation Public Relations Division)
Einwiller, S., Himmelreich, S., & Viererbl, B.: The role of user-generated criticism in mainstream media coverage: How journalists cover online firestorms. (Poster Journalism Studies)
Seiffert-Brockmann, J., & Diehl, T.H.: The power of memes: The digital discourse of the Obama hope meme. (Poster Pre-conference 'Communicating the Power of Visuals')
Seiffert-Brockmann, J., & Thummes, K.: Self-deception in public relations. A psychological and sociological approach to the challenge of conflicting expectations. (Presentation Public Relations Division)
Ngai, C., & Einwiller, S.: Relationship building on Sina Weibo: Exploring cultural influence on Chinese and German companies' communication practices. (Presentation Intercultural Communication Division)
Weitzl, W., Einwiller, S., Beldad, A.D., & Zniva, R.: Creating consumer-based brand equity with brand communication on Facebook. (Poster Public Relations Division)


The SAGE Encyclopedia of Corporate Reputation edited by Craig Carroll has been published! Among the 300 signed entries organized in A-to-Z in 2 volumes is also an entry by Sabine Einwiller on "Attitudes". 


Der Beitrag "Messung des Kommunikationserfolges der Mitarbeiterkommunikation" von Sabine Einwiller ist im "Handbuch Controlling der Kommunikation Grundlagen – Innovative Ansätze – Praktische Umsetzungen" erschienen, das von Franz-Rudolf Esch, Tobias Langner und Manfred Bruhn herausgegeben wurde.


New article! Roessing, T., & Einwiller, S. (2016). Portrayals of Large Corporations in the English and German Version of Wikipedia – Exploring Similarities and Differences. Corporate Reputation Review, 19(2), 108-126.


Sabine Einwiller presented the results of two research projects at the 21st International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communication which was held at Middlesex University in London. The presentation entitled "How Chinese and German companies communicate on Sina Weibo" covered the main results of a content analysis of Sina Weibo communication of German and Chinese companies, which was conducted in collaboration with Cindy Ngai from Hongkong Polytechnic University.

In the second presentation by Sabine Einwiller and Wolfgang Weitzl entitled "Effectiveness of responding to online complains" Sabine presented first results of a large CCom survey on consumer complaining and corporate complaint handling on Facebook and Twitter.


New publication! The article "Harmonization and differences in CSR reporting of US and German companies" by Sabine Einwiller, Christopher Ruppel and Alexandra Schnauber has been published in Corporate Communications: An International Journal Volume 21 Issue 2.

30.03. - 01.04.2016

Das CCom Team war mit zwei Vorträgen auf der 61. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft in Leipzig vertreten. Jens Seiffert-Brockmann präsentierte "Gamifying Public Relations – Computerspiele als Kommunikationsinstrumente"

Außerdem wurden die Ergebnisse des Projekts zur journalistischen Berichterstattung über Shitstorms vorgestellt, an dem Sabine Einwiller gemeinsam mit Sascha Himmelreich und Benno Viererbl von der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz arbeitet. Titel des Vortrags war "Stürmische Zeiten" – Eine Inhaltsanalyse der Medienberichterstattung über Shitstorms in deutschsprachigen Print- und Onlinemedien".


Sabine Einwiller was invited to give a guest lecture via Skype on the topic "Corporate Branding and Reputation Mangement" in the Master's Programme of Bilingual Corporate Communication offered by the Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies at Hong Kong Polytechnic University.


Our research on the role of the identification with the spokesperson in crisis communication was well received at this year’s International Public Relations Research Conference (IPRRC) in Coral Gables, Florida. Sabine Einwiller and Christopher Ruppel work on the question of the spokesperson identification in crisis communication together with Dan Laufer (Victoria University of Wellington) and Tony Garrett (Korea University Business School).


The winter conference of the American Marketing Association (AMA) is one of the biggest academic conferences on marketing and consumer research globally. This year, the conference took place in Las Vegas and Wolfgang Weitzl represented the CCom team by giving two talks on the role of consumer trust in electronic word-of-mouth and on Facebook brand pages as an important communication trigger of brand-equity creation as well as consumer engagement development. 


Sabine Einwiller presented joint research with Bettina Lis (Universität Bayreuth) and Sankar Sen (City University of New York) on "Sensitivity of CSR-based identification in the event of negative publicity" at this year’s Winter Conference of the Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP) in St. Pete Beach, Florida.


Sabine Einwiller was invited to become an active member of the Austrian Council on Public Relations Ethics (PR Ethik-Rat) as of January 2016. The council is the institution of voluntary self-regulation of the PR industry in Austria. Its function is to observe and foster PR practitioners' adherence to the industry's ethics standards.
Press release (in German)


Dissertation published! Jens Seiffert-Brockmann’s dissertation entitled "Vertrauen in die Mediengesellschaft. Eine theoretische und empirische Studie" was recently published by Springer VS.




New publication! The article "Negative Medienberichterstattung über Organisationen – Ihre Bedeutung für Mitarbeitende und interne Kommunikation (Negative news media coverage about organizations - Its significance for employees and internal communication)" by Christine Korn and Sabine Einwiller has been published. It appears in the book on internal communication ("Interne Kommunikation im Wandel. Theoretische Konzepte und empirische Befunde") edited by Simone Huck-Sandhu. Link to the book:


The article "Handling complaints on social network sites – An analysis of complaints and complaint responses on Facebook and Twitterpages of large US companies" by Sabine Einwiller and Sarah Steilen was included in the Institute for PR’s Social Media Research Center. The Center is a comprehensive source for information about the social science of social media, best practices, measures and benchmarking.


First results from the research project on "(In)Transparency in CSR Reporting" are presented by Sabine Einwiller and Craig Carroll at the 3rd CSR Communication Conference which is held in Ljubljana, Slovenia from September 17 to 19.


Sabine Einwiller has been invited to join the Arthur W. Page Society. Members of this prestigious society are primarily chief communication officers of Fortune 500 companies, the CEOs of the world’s largest public relations agencies and leading academics from top communication and business schools who have distinguished themselves in the field of corporate communication. The Page Society is named in honor of Arthur W. Page who was the first public relations executive to serve as an officer and member of the Board of Directors of a major public corporation.


Wolfgang Weitzl together with Robert Zniva and Stefan Wiesel (both WU Vienna) won the "2015 Wirtschaftskammerpreis" (research funds of the Austrian Economic Chambers) for their joint research project "The effects of Facebook brand pages". The prize is endowed with 26,540.- euros.

03.- 04.07.2015

The CCom team gives two presentations at the 22nd International Public Relations Research Symposium BLEDCOM 2015: Sabine Einwiller and Christine Korn present their research findings on "The role of the media for internal corporate communication", and Jens Seiffert-Brockmann presents "A game of trust: Public trust attributions as an evolutionary mechanism."


Dr. Lucía Porcu is visiting the CCOM research group this week from the Universidad de Granada, Spain. We welcome Lucía and look forward to her presentations on Integrated Marketing and Corporate Communication and inspiring discussions with her on this topic.


"Online complaining: Motives, personality and evaluations of corporate responses" is the title of the presentation given by Sabine Einwiller and Wolfgang Weitzl at the CCI Conference on Corporate Communication 2015, which is held at Baruch College, City University of New York.


Wolfgang Weitzl gives a talk on his research titled "The influence of marketers' and consumers' voices in the era of social media" at this year's annual meeting of the European Academy of Marketing (EMAC 2015) at the Faculty of Economics and Business of KU Leuven, Belgium.


Sabine Einwiller and Christine Korn present their research findings on "The role of internal communication for employee’s reactions to negative media coverage about their employer" at this year's Annual Conference of the International Communication Association in San Juan, Puerto Rico.


Wolfgang Weitzl presents his research on "Measuring trust in electronic word-of-mouth: A rigid research framework" at the 2015 Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) in Denver, Colorado.


Sabine Einwiller and Christopher Ruppel's chapter on Experiments in Corporate Branding appears in "Corporate branding: Areas, arenas andapproaches" by T. C. Melewar and S. F. Syed Alwi.


Im Team von Prof. Dr. Sabine Einwiller ist ab 01.09.2015 die Position eines/r Studienassistenten/in zu besetzen (14 Std./Woche, Kennzahl 5775).
Bewerbungsfrist ist der 03. Juni. Nähere Informationen finden Sie hier.


Two new publications! The article "Handling complaints on social networksites – An analysis of complaints and complaint responses on Facebook and Twitter pages of large US companies" by Sabine Einwiller and Sarah Steilen and the article "The missing media: The procedural rhetoric of computer games" by Jens Seiffert-Brockmann and Howard Nothaft appeared in Volume 41/Issue 2 of Public Relations Review.


The article "Transparency signaling and disclosure alignment in CSR reporting" by Craig Carroll and Sabine Einwiller has been reprinted as Chapter 42 of the 4 Volume compendium "Human Rights and Ethics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications" by Information Resources Management Association (Ed.).